Discover our commitment to quality & precision in component level repairs

At TXO, we pride ourselves on being specialists in component level repairs with market-leading circuit board expertise. Our team of 35 experienced engineers is industry qualified across reverse engineering and signature analysis, ensuring we deliver exceptional service and quality.


Expertise & capabilities

Our wide capability allows us to fix, remove, re-design, and integrate fresh board components, ensuring each component matches or exceeds the original functionality and tolerance levels. With our in-lab expertise, you can trust us to deliver top-notch repairs that meet the highest standards.

Comprehensive knowledge base

We have a superior knowledge base and skillset covering the removal and re-working of all types of component packages. This extensive expertise allows us to tackle a wide range of repairs, providing solutions that extend the lifecycle of telecom network equipment.

Unmatched technical experience

Our technical team’s experience is unparalleled, and we are continually adding testbed capabilities to support our growing customer base. This commitment to innovation ensures we stay ahead of industry trends and provide the best possible service to our clients.

ESD-Safe environment

Operating in an ESD-safe environment, TXO repairs over 15,000 telecom products annually. Our focus on safety and precision guarantees that each repair is conducted under optimal conditions, safeguarding the integrity of the components and the overall system.


Get in touch

Contact our team about your component level repair needs and benefit from our market-leading expertise, extensive capabilities, and commitment to quality.