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When is Earth Day?

April 22 is the annual celebration of Earth Day.

What is Earth Day?

The aim of Earth Day is simple: to protect future generations from the side-effects of global warming.

Earth Day began in America in 1970 as a form of grassroots activism to celebrate the planet and encourage people to be more environmentally friendly. By the nineties, Earth Day had gone global with 200 million people in 141 countries on board, lifting environmental issues onto the world stage.

How can you support Earth Day?

There are many ways to celebrate Earth Day. This year, as well as global ‘teach-ins’, there will be a ‘March for Science‘ which will include speeches with scientists and civic organisers on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Of course, if you really want to contribute to Earth Day, the carbon footprint of a flight to Washington D.C. may be counterproductive.

For some, it’s a reminder of simple everyday activities that they should be better at such as recycling, cutting back on driving their car and reducing the amount of energy they consume by turning off the lights when they leave a room. For others, it’s an incentive to make big changes to their organisation in order to benefit the planet.

Helping your organisation to make a positive start this Earth Day can make a huge stride towards a sustainable future. The more people that realise they have a role in this, and take responsibility, the better chance we have for a sustainable future.

TXO are proud to be a business that helps others (from a variety of disciplines including telecommunications, data centres, oil & gas, government and education, etc.) to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable.  If you have unwanted telecoms network equipment in your organisation, we would like to hear from you. TXO is a circular economy company and our business model rests on finding re-use and recycling opportunities for pre-owned IT and telecom network equipment. Together we can help to preserve the environment, reduce the amount of network waste created and minimise the amount of e-waste which ends up in landfill.

However you choose to protect the Earth, it can seem like a daunting task – but as the saying goes, no single snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. To discuss the opportunities for TXO to help you reach your sustainability goals, please get in touch to discuss your project needs.